Yes, We are proud that we are JSPS fellows...

Every year, many researchers from India are coming to Japan under the JSPS Fellowship Programs or Scientist Exchanges.After completing their tenures, some of them return to India, others remain in Japan and still others go on to different countries to pursue their research activities.>>more


The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) ( is an independent administrative institution, established by way of a national law for the purpose of contributing to the advancement of science. JSPS plays a pivotal role in the administration of a wide spectrum of Japan's scientific and academic programs. While working within the broad framework of government policies established to promote scientific advancement, JSPS carries out its programs in a manner flexible to the needs of the participating scientists.

JSPS was originally founded in 1932 as a non-profit foundation through an endowment granted by Emperor Showa. JSPS became a quasi-governmental organization in 1967 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (Monbusho), and since 2001 under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho). Over this 70-year period, JSPS has worked continuously to develop and implement a far-reaching array of domestic and international scientific programs.

On October 1, 2003, JSPS entered a new phase with its conversion to an independent administrative institution, as which it will strive to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of its management so as to improve the quality of the services it to offers individual researchers, universities, and research institutes.

JSPS's operation is supported in large part by annual subsidies from the Japanese Government. Its main functions are as follows:

  • To foster young researchers
  • To promote international scientific cooperation
  • To award Grants-in-Aid for scientific Research
  • To implement the Research for the Future Program
  • To support scientific cooperation between the academic community and industry
  • To collect and distribute information on scientific research activities

Types of fellowships offered by JSPS

Postdoctral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers (Standard)
Field of Research
Duration of Stay
Terms of Award (Fellows only)
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences
12 to 24 months
A round-trip air ticket A monthly maintenance allowance: ¥392,000 A setting-in allowance: ¥200,000 An annual domestic research travel allowance: ¥58,500 Overseas travel accident and sickness insurance coverage
Postdoctral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers (Short-term)

(This program is applied to US, Canada and selected European countries )

Field of Research
Duration of Stay
Terms of Award (Fellows only)
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences
15 days to 11 months
A round-trip air ticket A monthly maintenance allowance: ¥392,000 A setting-in allowance: ¥200,000 (only for fellows with a tenure of three or more months) An annual domestic research travel allowance: ¥58,500 A monthly research support allowance: ¥81,000 Overseas travel accident and sickness insurance coverage
Invitation Fellowship Programs for Research in Japan
Field of Research
Duration of Stay
Terms of Award (Fellows only)
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences
14 to 60 days
A round-trip air ticket A daily maintenance allowance: ¥18,000 Domestic research travel allowance: ¥150,000 Overseas travel accident and sickness insurance coverage
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences
2(=61days) to 10 months
A round-trip air ticket A monthly maintenance allowance: ¥369,000 Domestic research travel allowance: ¥100,000 Research expenses: ¥40,000
JSPS Ronpaku (Dissertation Ph. D) Programme

The aim of this program is to provide tutorial and financial support for promising researchers in Asia who wish to obtain their Ph.D. degrees from Japanese universities through the submission of a dissertation without matriculating a doctoral course. This program is implemented in cooperation with JSPS's overseas the nominating organizations in Asia. In our case it is Department of Science and Technology, India (Please see the bottom of this page for the eligibility for this programme)

Bilateral Programs

JSPS administers a number of bilateral programs for scientific cooperation and exchange under memorandum of understanding concluded between themselves and various foreign academic institutions. As of July 2005, JSPS had 75 such counterpart institutions in 42 countries and 2 international organizations. Cooperation under this heading takes the various forms of 1) scientist exchanges and 2) joint research and/or joint scientific seminars. (Please see the bottom of this page for the eligibility for this programme)

Am I eligible?

For the Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme each candidate must:

  • Be a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan.
  • Hold a doctorate degree when the fellowship goes into effect, which must have been received within six years prior to April 1, 1999.
  • Have arranged in advance his/her research plans with his/her Japanese researcher.

For the Invitation Fellowship Programme each candidate must be a:

  • Senior scientist, university professor, or other person with substantial professional experience.
  • Be a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan

How do I apply for one of the JSPS Programmes?

Firstly, the JSPS Fellowship programmes require applicants to establish contact with a Japanese researcher in their field.

Once you have located a Japanese researcher, the next step is to send him/her a letter with detailed information on your proposed research activity.

Thirdly, application forms are available by contacting the departmental office at the host researchers' university through your host.

How do I find a Japanese researcher?

The first point of contact should be your departmental colleagues or supervisor. For those wishing to make initial enquiries you may also wish to visit the Ministry of Education, Science, Sport and Culture (MEXT) web site at Most of the Japanese national universities are linked to this site.

What kind of person in Japan can I ask to be my host researcher?

Eligible researchers are those employed full time at Japanese national, public or private universities, inter-university research institutions, and national laboratories or other organizations actively engaged in research, including independent administrative institutions, public research corporations, nonprofit organizations, and prefectural research institutes. In the case of universities, they must hold the position of either professor, assistant professor or lecturer (research associates are not eligible). In cases other than universities, researchers holding equivalent positions are eligible. If a researcher meets the above requirements, he/she does not need to be Japanese to submit an application.

Who do I apply to?

Each Programmes has its own application procedure.

For the Postdoctoral Fellowship

Through the Japanese host researcher. They arrange the submission of an application to the JSPS head office in Tokyo.

For the Invitation Fellowship:

Through the Japanese host researcher. They arrange the submission of an application to JSPS head office in Tokyo.

May I apply directly to JSPS?

No. JSPS cannot accept applications from individual researchers. If an application should be submitted directly, JSPS must return it to the researcher.

Where do I get the application form from?

For the Postdoctoral Fellowship programme :

From the departmental office at Japanese researcher's university

For the Invitation Fellowship Programme :

from the departmental office at Japanese researcher's university

When do I apply?

For the Postdoctoral Fellowship:

  • For applications through the host researcher: May or September

How long does it take for a decision to be made once an application has been made?

Notification of selection results is normally three months after the closing date.

What happens once I am selected?

You will receive a copy of the Program Guidelines/ Provisions with the following :

  • an invitation letter
  • a letter of guarantee
  • information on visa application, air travel and housing.
  • Acceptance of the Fellowship

    If the terms and conditions in your invitation letter are acceptable to you, the notice of acceptance attached to your invitation letter should be signed and sent to JSPS Tokyo within 60 days from the date that your invitation letter was issued.

  • Necessary procedures before your departure.

    a) Visas for Entering and Staying in Japan

    Please obtain your visa at the Japanese Consular office nearest your residence at your earliest convenience.

    Take the following documents with you:

    • A copy of the invitation letter from JSPS
    • The 'Letter of Guarantee' from JSPS enclosed with the Program Guidelines
    • Your complete curriculum vitae
    • Two identical 5cm x 5cm photographs
    • An extract from the JSPS law

    NB. Some times the embassy may ask “Certificate of Eligibility” for granting the VISA. Your professor can apply for this one to the nearest emigration office in Japan. He can get this certificate within one month from the emigration office and can send to you.

    In accordance with the Immigration Control Act of Japan, you should be given a 'Cultural Activities', 'Researcher', or 'Professor' visa status.

    b) Application for Air ticket

    Kintetsu International Express (KIE), JSPS's official travel agent, is authorised to handle JSPS Postdoctoral fellows's travel arrangements to and from Japan. You will receive an air ticket application form with your copy of the Program Guidelines. Upon receipt of your request, the travel agent will advise an airline office near your residence to issue you a prepaid ticket.

    Please note that JSPS cannot reimburse you for an air ticket purchased by yourself.

Is there a limit to the number of people awarded the 'Invitation Fellowship programme for Research in Japan' or the 'Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign researchers' from any one country?

In the selection procedure, is there any preference given to any nationality or specific research field?

If you apply through a Japanese host researcher, there is no limit. The screening is made on academic merit alone, so there is no preference as to nationality or research field.

What kind of funding JSPS provide?

Funding is only available to those who participate in one of JSPS programmes. JSPS do not accept individual requests for travel bursars or to attend conferences in Japan.

Can I have a copy of the brochure / copy of the newsletter?

The latest JSPS newsletter can be viewed in JSPS web site at ( Alternatively you can request a personal copy from JSPS Fellows Plaza.

Additional Information:

Eligibility criteria for the Ronpaku Programme

(For general information we are providing invitation for the 2006 fellowships)

This Program is offered to researchers in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.Researchers from other Asian countries may be eligible to apply for the program if a nominating authority, such as a governmental agency, in their home country submits a recommendation to JSPS.


Each applicant for the Program must be a researcher, who

  • already holds a full-time position as a researcher in a university or research institution in his/her home country or will likely be appointed to such a position by 1 April 2006.
  • is under the age of 50 as of 1 April 2006

Further eligibility requirements for this program are provided in the "Guidelines"- 2006.( )

Number of fellowships: About 30 per year

Duration of fellowships : Not exceed 5 years

JSPS support :

  • Grantees under this program (RONPAKU Fellows) may visit their Japanese host university once a year for a period not to exceed 90 days for the purpose of studying under the supervision of their Japanese advisor.
  • Grantees under this program (RONPAKU Fellows) may visit their Japanese host university once a year for a period not to exceed 90 days for the purpose of studying under the supervision of their Japanese advisor.
  • The Japanese advisor may visit the RONPAKU fellow's home university or research institution once a year for the period not to exceed 30 days for the purpose of supervising RONPAKU Fellows study.
  • JSPS provides Japanese Advisor with a round-trip air-ticket (economy class) and maintenance allowance during their stays in the fellow's country.
  • For more information about JSPS's financial support, please see the "Guidelines" 2006. ( )

Note: Being awarded a RONPAKU fellowship does not automatically guarantee the obtaining of a Ph.D. degree. Each RONPAKU fellow is responsible for making the necessary effort to succeed in his/her dissertation research.

Bilateral programmes

Joint Research Projects and Scientific Seminars

Bilateral Joint Projects/Seminars Call for Proposals FY2006(Application Round 2)

(for general information) (

The Joint research projects supported by JSPS in collaboration with counterpart foreign academic institutions are small in scale, usually consisting of only a few participating scientists on each side and limited to a period of two years.

The Joint scientific seminars are also small in scale.

Joint activities of this type are currently carried out under bilateral agreements with foreign academic institutions in the US, Europe, including France, Germany, the UK and Russia. Republic of Korea, India, China and Australia. Cooperative activities of different type are carried out with Asian and African countries.

In applying for either a joint research project or a scientific seminar under this program, the standard procedure is for the organizing scientists on both sides to submit their proposals simultaneously to their respective implementing institutions for review. In our case we need to submit application forms to

  • Department of Science and Technology (DST) of Government of India ( )
    • The India-Japan Cooperative Science Programmes began in 1993 based on the Agreed Minutes of the First Meeting of the India-Japan Science Council. The India-Japan Science Council was then established by JSPS and DST to provide advice regarding the ongoing programs and to identify priority areas of cooperation for future joint research programs.
    • Areas of Cooperation:
      • Molecular structure, dynamics, molecular materials and Advanced Materials
      • Modern biology and biotechnology
      • Manufacturing sciences
      • Astronomy and astrophysics
      • Surface and interface science
  • Indian Science Academy (INSA) ( )
    • Cooperation started in 1976 based on the memorandum of understanding between JSPS and INSA
    • Areas of Cooperation: Natural sciences
    • Type of Activities: Joint research and scientist exchanges

Useful links

Link to Indian Counterpart Agencies.

Link to JSPS Office

Link to Science Related Web sites in Japan

Link to Fellowship & Research Grant

You may have difficulty in accessing Web sites in Japan by using search engines of Japan because many of them are available only in Japanese language, even though the designated Web site has an English version.

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